How to guarantee participation in #intuitionvalidation’s development and delivery will be fair, transparent, secure and safe for the foreseeable
Part (I): the #bioweapons’ protocols, policies and tools I suggest we use
I have come to the conclusion that we need to have the highest levels of security and praxis protocols, policies and tools in order to develop what I have called #intuitionvalidation for a few years now.
This will be in order to safely integrate stakeholders — including #bigtech & #toptiertech partners and #nationstates — into #intuitionvalidation projects and workstreams.
What follows is a rationale in two parts: the first one defines what #intuitionvalidation needs to be safely and securely developed as a weapon against bad-actor #nationstates such as #russia and #china. The second part defines exactly how, from now on in, we should see #intuitionvalidation as being.
I've finally arrived at a solution to determine which organisations and individuals may rightfully play a part in kicking off the core of our #intuitionvalidation projects and workstreams re applications in the fields of the #military, #security, #espionage, #hybrid & #cognitive #warfare — and even conceivably, from my point of view preferably, #lawenforcement from the very start.
I'm always interested in systemic solutions which don't require discretionary policymaking ever, nor committees and regulatory bodies and similar. I don't in principle approve of what #jeremybentham believed in all those centuries ago, but I will beg your pardon when I say I want us to use (as much as possible, that is), in complex and clearly multi-stakeholder projects and workstreams such as these will be, dynamics and processes which #selfregulate without further intervention. In this sense, I guess, I am remembering my smattering of A-level economics: here, then, I'm obviously alluding to #adamsmith's "invisible hand", not just #bentham's famous #panopticon.
Here's the plan for all #bigtech, all #toptiertech, all #agencies & #armedforces and related: the guiding #selfregulatory infrastructure that I sense will change how we do #it-#tech everywhere, but for sure in sensitive areas ...
"#bioweapons' levels of security for all projects and workstreams
just this
all i ask
people in software won't understand what this implies
they'll have to 'get' it before they join
and once they've joined, they won't have the right to spread stuff around as they're used to doing
i think you can't now disagree at all, can you?
none of you ...
then we can sign and start with all #bigtech: all #bigtech which already believes in #NewLean, #intuitionvalidation, the validation and enhancing of #human-focussed ways of thinking ... and all that stuff i mean
but only the ones which already believe: have already reached agreement with us on their lonesome
not the others
not them
we're not leading any horses to water when it's clear they're not ready to drink"
Also then, as comfort for everyone who's wanting to look to the future, so that decisions to incorporate later are carried through for ONLY the right reasons:
"there will exist an open door to new members of core, once the infrastructures and ways of working are up-and-running, clearly exist, and become confident of themselves
and when i say new members, i mean #tech companies and stuff just as much as #nationstates and other global #governmental organisations"
"yes, i agree
it's cunning and very
but also fair and therefore cunning, simply because it's fair
thank you"
Can we now, really I mean, gather around these systemised rules of long-term engagement in this exciting field of #intuitionvalidation?
It's this serious: it has to be.
All of us accept that we need #bioweapons' security policies, ways of working, and technologies relevant to such requirements, duly adapted to the laboratories & research we propose?
Part (II): what exactly we mean by #intuitionvalidation … and when a weapon, what sort …
Yesterday I finally explained an idea I'd had a while back but not fully explored: how to ensure #intuitionvalidation WASN'T #openai-ed into zero advantage when using it to fight our enemies.
The history of #warfare inevitably means that a new #sword becomes a #shield to protect from the same later or sooner. And then, equally inevitably, in turn, we get a further developed new version of the original #weapon, which tops as second iteration the original benefits of the first.
It's not whether it happens: it's just how long you can postpone its happening for.
In the case of #openai and those who are intimately related to its #businessmodel, they unleash their incompletely scoped and developed products & services in such a way that the enemy turns the potential they have for being new #allied #swords against #russia, #china et al, almost immediately into #shields against the same.
Because of #openai's wilful and quite purposeful "build it fast and think of the consequences after", they're actually aiding & abetting our worst enemies in the fight we'd otherwise be having, where beating the latter successfully in #hybrid, #cognitive and a wider #cyber #warfare would be a reasonable and timely mission we could achieve.
There has to be another way: yesterday (see Part (I) above) I think I began to find it.
I said yesterday we should use #bioweapon levels of security and safety protocols, policies, infrastructures, perimeters and related to ensure that #intuition-friendly and #intuition-positive software, device and chip development might be delivered in such a way that the time it took for our #swords to be reconverted by our enemies into their #shields be as long and durable as humanly possible to ensure.
Today I am going to suggest we go even further. Today I suggest we not only use #bioweapon protocols to defend #intuitionvalidation development for as long as secretively possible in the fight to protect #democracy by proactively undermining #totalitarianism and #autocracy, but that we see #human #intuition actually, literally, to be a #biologicalweapon itself.
It is differently so, I accept, to the #human-made #viruses and other artificially, laboratory-created organisms we've grown up to accept as being just one more arrow in the quivers of #war. But it does involve using a #biological-based #primacy which our enemies are ALREADY using against our, to date, total dependence on #machines, where we #humans serve only as extensions of the same:
This is why I shall from now on — where #intuitionvalidation is to be used to solve #complexproblems in the fields of the #military, #espionage, #security and #lawenforcement — firmly begin to refer to such tools, platforms & brand-new architectures as not only deserving of #bioweapon protocols during their development but also meriting the description of being seen as BEING the same.
In summary
The matters of #war are too sensitive to be left to the strategies of bad #bigtech’s “build first and damn the consequences”.
What we’ve seen lately in respect of the rollout of #generativeai has just shown that, left to the marketplace behaviours of traditional #startup where the simplifying of problems is the ONLY way to provide solutions to what needs solving in today’s world, #war, #espionage, #security and #lawenforcement — never mind other areas of extreme #risk such as #climatechange and related — are truly poorly served by the “tech shock jocks” simplifying approaches.
We need a different way now; actually, have for a while. A more accurate way of discovering the truth about what’s needed, and then — in respect of our enemies and their capacity to understand what we are doing to fight them into the corners they deserve to end up in — a much more competent way of working in absolute secrecy, in order that they are always unsure about where we are next going to focus.
The following links are all hosted at and are relevant to everything I have been writing about in this two-part blogpost:
• | #workstreamA — #privacysensitive
• | #workstreamB — #privacypositive
• | #workstreamC — #secrecysensitive
• | #workstreamD — #secrecypositive | if password-protected, ask me for access at