MIL’s polymath cv …
… plus some related thoughts, and a video out of the same tradition …
"The tragedy of hiring only for a box ..."
originally posted on LinkedIn here:
I've been continuing to strive to ensure my best face is put forward re aspects of my #brain (neither better nor worse than anyone else's -- just different), alongside my sometimes curious ways of seeing the world.
I need to find a way to make #polymath attractive and employable.
I've been posting recently on this: one thing I've been doing is trying to work out a way of describing the virtues I sense a #polymath has, and combine them with the requirements of #specialisation which traditional employment always needs.
Great teams are built by exemplary managers around specific, concrete people.
Good teams are built around job specifications, with competent hiring processes.
Bad teams do neither.
None of us want to belong to a bad team, nor contribute to its coming-about.
Most of us have experienced belonging to good teams: we apply for a box (nothing wrong in that), expressly designed to achieve certain outcomes, and then contribute with others in other boxes to their collective fulfillment.
What I am doing today then? Attempting to create a #polymathbrain-friendly #cv structure.
To achieve that good teams more often become great ones.
On page one of the #cv you see screenshots of above I've listed some conceptual capacities I have of the #polymath sort I'm talking about, under what the standard #cv template always calls #experience.
I think the kind of description I've added here makes clearer the advantages of employing me. That is, the real #valueadd a #brain of multiple thought-processes could deliver to a potential employer.
On page two, meanwhile, I've listed a different kind of set of achievements: what I call #taskbased ones. Hopefully these show I am NOT unfocussed at all, even as I love to discuss quite differing subjects with great enthusiasm.
Since I do, and most people can't follow me, because they are not #polymath-like in their thinking, I get accused of being all-over-the-place.
But I'm not. It's just that I become my own worst enemy in respect of how hiring is done these days: hiring processes which filter candidates out using an #ai and other systems biased to detecting #tasks, incapable of recognising #conceptual #capacities, then don't ever get to sense ANY #valueadd.
But it's not only me. And it's not only people we could call #polymaths. It's also most of us out here who could create a helluva lot more value in business and society if only we were given more room to make connections, not just fill boxes in silos which, in truth, all average to good management functions do prefer to locate us firmly in.
I need a job, ASAP, as a conscientious and task-focussed work colleague: it's true. But you would be wasting me, and most of the rest of us tragically too, if we didn't all begin to realise that hiring for a box delivers only boxes, not exemplary contents.
#hr #hiring #employability #individuals #polymaths #teams #teamwork #goodteams #greatteams #badteams
#newhr #newcv #newhiring
If you’d like to follow up on this post, why not send me a message at GB 2 Earth’s “meet us now” page?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
“Two days in #liverpool at the start of a #criminaljustice journey” by Mil Williams
This is where all today really started to take flight. The autumn of 2016, when I started my #criminaljustice #master at #ljmu #liverpool.
Now I am this:
Hope you all find the video helpful ...
A summary video of what I am as a #polymath who purposefully uses arts-based thinking to solve #realworld problems.
Problems this serious always have to be taken on the chin, if solutions are then to be put duly in place.
#mathematics #art #life #problems #solutions | the link to the #youtube-hosted video at my #youtubechannel
#criminaljustice #cognitivewarfare
More here:
• | #theintuitionlab
• | resource hub for the #bletchleypark (ii) proposal
• | resource hub for the #cognitivewarfare, #gaslighting and #neoterrorismontheindividual domains