synchronous meetings: why they are so bad

definition first: synchronous events happen at the same time.

phonecalls are synchronous, as a general rule — though voicemails are an exception. (we’ll get onto that idea in a bit.)

so is the blessed/wretched metaverse. you have to be there, or you’re radically square. you miss the party, and there’s nothing else to do but wander lonely as a cloud.

in the cloud.

meetings are the most synchronous things in human history. and they’re so difficult to make work well. many, in fact, just use them to impose their rule.

if that’s you, or your company as a whole, then stop reading, click away, and find yourself something more relevant to your needs.

on the other hand, if you’d like to find a way of making meetings work better than you ever experienced, stay here … and put your reflective thinking cap on.



never meet again: why


asynchronous meetings: why good