Where men control and women organise
I was talking with a #stockholm friend yesterday or the day before; we discussed how important it was to feel in control of one's destiny.
And then I had a writerly observation I felt I had to share: it's bad to want to control because it leads, eventually, to control-freakery. It is, however, good to want to organise ...
The best democracies — in my experience not the #british, but still the #swedish — choose to organise themselves into states of a wider optimisation and enhancement of their systems for the broadest range of citizens and subjects possible.
The worst democracies — over the past two decades #british governance and its outcomes definitely fall into this category — look, meanwhile, to "control" their subjects into submission.
You only have to compare the differing attitudes to privacy in each country mentioned to appreciate what i'm talking about.
Photo taken in Vällingby tunnelbana station, Stockholm Sweden, 2023
But let's get more micro about this. Let's talk about women and men. They used to say quite baldly, perhaps even facilely, that if women were from Venus, then men were from Mars. Today, I’d be inclined to say that at least in the sector and activity of #it-#tech, men choose to control the rest of humanity into an absolute dismissal of all attempts to firm up our ability to act with agency and free will:
http://mils.page/2023/09/03/when-ai-claims-prediction-and-means-proscription/ | “When AI claims prediction and means proscription” | 2. How can you make out you're predicting a person's future when you're not? By dismantling their agency: that is, their ability to exercise free will …
https://gb2earth.com/research/worst | #oneworstway in #it and #ai
Meantime, women, in so many areas, not just #it and #ai but not excluding them either, exhibit other facets which, in a more normalised and equitable delivery of what it is to be human, maybe all of us would care much more to share.
Upfront, I must admit I find the facets I am identifying far more engaging and interesting for my brain: one I am increasingly accepting is more so-called female than so-called male …
That is, I don't say "male brain as different from the female but equally good".
Rather, I begin to say and argue that the fully expressed (so-called) female brain will always be better for our humanity's long-term capability to be kindly and efficient at the same time than the fully expressed (so-called) male brain.
What exactly do I mean by this?
Knowing how to — and, actually, proactively choosing to — act out processes where we organise rather than control … this all ends up meaning that one becomes far more attuned to the self and to the environment around one. And that has to be good for a whole bunch of issues: touchy-feely ones of course, but in terms of efficiency and delivery, why not too?
In this sense, the examples I draw from my own #livedexperience are that what I dislike about my homeland at its worst (it obviously has its better sides, too).
These experiences involve the prepotency of male ways of doing and seeing (both the gender and the so-called male brain, whatever the gender): exactly, then, what has delivered #penetrative #surveillancetech over the last half a century, and quite to the detriment of what could otherwise have been a greater ability to be as creative as the most extreme criminals when developing our systems of #lawenforcement, #security, and related:
I'd really like us to consider an alternative set of #tech #architectures to the #oneworstway I sketch out in the #whitepaper linked to above, as well as the six points re #ai- and #it-#tech that to my mind need urgently addressing, and which I also outline here:
Because men and their #penetrative ways have run the world, including #it and #ai, since time immemorial; and as a result, we have the dreadful world we have right now.
These brand-new #architectures that I want us to develop would therefore have to be anything but #penetrative. Sketched out below my latest outline of where I want us to go with this:
Download the full slide-deck in pdf format here: https://www.niokvinnor.com/s/nio-kvinnor_10082024_15082024dub-2.pdf
The people, then, I'd like to run this show — #ninedeterminedwomen, too — alongside the rationale behind it all can be found here:
As I am clearly suggesting, these so-called male brains have royally messed up since time began, in their obsession to organise everything by controlling it all.
It's now time, high time I feel, that all of us men learnt from the very best of women: that is to say, it's possible, actually, to organise everything by ORGANISING (NOT controlling) everything.
As simple as that.
A brand-new #it- and #ai-#tech entity where the top nine posts belong entirely to the female gender, and the entire workforce is made up entirely of female brains only — whatever the actual gender of the colleagues themselves.
If you’d like to find out more, click through to https://niokvinnor.com/contact.
It’d be a pleasure to both have a debate as well as reach positive outcomes, where an appetite for the latter might exist.