Beating Putin and Russia
rationale, philosophy, description, design Mil Williams rationale, philosophy, description, design Mil Williams

Beating Putin and Russia

Because the commentators have got it wrong: where we're at is not 1938 and #nazigermany but 1945 and what needed to be done to #japan.

Only in a different way. Our project doesn't involve #nuclearbombs or any such similar technology. The domains chosen decades ago by our enemies #russia and #china both involve inserting into our daily lives the #weapons of #darkfigure and #neocrime: #cognitivewarfare, #hybridwarfare and a very longitudinal #neoterrorismontheindividual.

Our project involves capturing, enhancing and maximising #humanintuition. First, to stop #putin in everything he does. Second, to save #humanity's place on this otherwise wondrous planet. And then third, for everyone to understand at last that we can build an #ai and #it that makes us more #human every day.

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mil’s BLOG

a curated collection of articles by Mil Williams, posted once or twice a week, on #augmentedintuition, #intuitionvalidation, and #neurodiverse #complexproblems-solutioning tools, platforms and architectures (including #newlean)

An interview with myself on my ideas around #intuitionvalidation and #augmentedintuition. With thanks to John Smith Thang and his organisation GD Media.

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