bletchley park (ii):

intuition for a safer world

an essay

From the introduction to the essay on this page, about developing a second “Bletchley Park”:

i just reposted on #linkedin about the above thinking from #alanturing with its accompanying brief exposition from #martinciupa.

here's the link to my repost:

and below, the screenshot of what i say in that repost.

felicitously, this morning, after writing the above, i stumbled across something i pulled together whilst in #sweden this year of 2023. i originally proposed it for a location in #stockholm, but am now repurposing and relocating into the tradition that #turing himself clearly drew from during the war years of the original #bletchleypark.

what follows in the rest of this document is a detailed conceptual and discursive overview for a #bletchleypark (ii), where we deliver on a new approach for making the world a safer place. and in just the same way as #turing & co did all those decades ago.


research | humanIT


research | Citizen X: a tale of two outcomes: the introduction